Company Registration Information Banner

Company Registration Information

Teledyne e2v is a global company with operations and sales offices in the United Kingdom, France, Spain, Sweden, Hong Kong, China, Japan and South Korea.

Below you can find company registration numbers and registered address details for Teledyne e2v.

Registered Entity Registered Address Country Phone No. Registration / Company No.
Teledyne UK Limited 106 Waterhouse Lane, Chelmsford, Essex CM1 2QU United Kingdom +44 (0) 1245 493 493 Registered in England & Wales no. 432014
Teledyne e2v Semiconductors SAS Avenue de Rochepleine BP123 38521 Saint Egrève France +33 4 76 58 30 00
Teledyne Innovaciones Microelectronicas S.L.U. C/ Isaac Newton 4,Pabellon de Italia, Planta 5 Parque Tecnologico, Isla de la Cartuja 41092, Sevilla Spain +34 9 54 08 12 73 ESB91079384
Teledyne e2v Asia Pacific Limited Unit 505, Building 20E, Phase 3 Hong Kong Science Park, Pak Shek Kok, Shatin, N.T. Unit 505, Building 20E, Phase 3 Hong Kong Science Park, Pak Shek Kok, Shatin, N.T. +85 2 36 79 36 52 1092412
Teledyne e2v (Beijing) Co. Limited Room 101, Building No.1, No. 9 Jiuxianqiao East Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100016, P.R. +86 (0) 755 2664 0015 05673​